Top Posts Tagged with #author's self-indulgent fluff and headcanons | Tumlook (2024)


Feb 2

Open up your loving arms - Chapter 2: Ridding stagnation

Astarion asks Gale about cleaning out the unused spaces of their tower house to give Tav and Shadowheart some personal space. The wizard agrees and the vampire spawn sets to work. Shenanigans occur and plans are made.

(Trigger warning (18+): character study, the feels, author's self-indulgent domestic fluff, graphic description of sex, smut, anilingus, anal sex, body worship, coitus a tergo, dirty talking (sort of), fingering, gentle sex, hand job, missionary, smidge of praise kink, vagin*l sex)


This is self-indulgent domestic fluff. I want this little bunch of weirdos to be happy. They deserve it. This fic mostly drives my post-canon headcanon forwards regarding character study/development.

Two other fics (The sight of spring & Of demons and monsters) are mentioned.

To avoid confusion: In one of my other fanfics, Halsin and Tav had named the owlbear cup Naïlo, which means 'night breeze' in the Elven language.)

My OC Monty first appeared in Gale's origin fanfic.

Also, long story short; Tav’s married to Astarion, Gale and Shadowheart. Astarion and Gale are married. Halsin’s Tav’s and Shadowheart’s additional lover. They’re in a closed polyamorous relationship, except for Halsin who apparently sleeps his way through all of Faerûn.

"Darling, why is that insufferable, utterly annoying man in our living room again?" asked Astarion when he'd caught Tav in the kitchen as she was brewing more tea.

"Because we're colleagues," the bard replied. "And he helps me."

The vampire spawn made a face.

"How can someone who's much less talented than you be of help?"

His wife shot him an amused look.

"First of all, thank you for the compliment, love. Secondly, I might be more talented than Volo, but he's the one who's famous and is in contact with publishers and printing companies."

"Oh, you sly dog," Astarion grinned and Tav snickered. "I just fell a little harder for you."

He kissed her passionately, turned on by her competence and cunning.

"Now, let me entertain our guest a bit more," she whispered teasingly, and with one last kiss, she vanished into the living room where Volo kept bragging about his newest work about owlbears.

Astarion didn't listen very long, too annoyed about all the incorrect statements. Tav, on the other hand, was far too kind-hearted, as always, and tried to gently correct and educate the insufferable artist. Meanwhile, Astarion went back to decluttering the upper floors.

Tav moaned blissfully as she made love with Gale. The wizard leisurely rolled his hips into her while kissing her and holding her hand. The bard had her legs wrapped around his waist and now, she placed a foot under her husband's buttcheek to push him closer. Gale panted against her shoulder, thrusting harder to comply to her wishes, and snaked a hand between them to get her off.

"Mmh, yes!" mewled Tav, arching up into him.

Gale spilled into her with a low moan, his fingers continued to rub circles over her cl*tor*s. The bard whined and came with a sob. Panting, they kissed lazily and the bard stroke the wizard's chest-length hair.

"You're so beautiful," she told him sincerely. "I love you."

"I love you too," smiled Gale, still floating in post-org*smic bliss. He rested on top of her, knowing that Tav didn't mind it and didn't get squished under his weight. Her strength and width were rather impressive.

Gale knew that Astarion liked being manhandled and held up by her, and he wondered if he'd like it too. Most probably, the wizard concluded. He liked everything his wife did. He adored her, nay, worshipped her.

Gale lifted his head to look at Tav and ran his hand through her very short hair. At least, she didn't sport the ugliest haircut in all of Faerûn anymore since Shadowheart helped her cut it evenly. But even before, when they'd met after the nautiloid crash, the bard had been beautiful. – Well, at least in his eyes. It was no secret that Tav had a type of unconventional beauty that wasn't desired by the masses, but she wasn't meant to be adored by the masses anyway.

Smiling, Gale leaned down to kiss her broad, freckled shoulder and she hummed approvingly. They finally moved apart and the wizard lay down on his stomach with his head on his arms to let the bard work her other kind of magic. Tav was a rather talented masseuse. Gale groaned in appreciation when his wife started to work on an especially stubborn knot on his shoulder. Her hands were always so clever, no matter if with instruments, pickpocketing, or otherwise.

"You're way too tense, love," she told him. "You work too much."

Gale hummed non-committally.

"I know you love teaching, but you tend to spread yourself too thin. We admire that you can achieve anything when you put your mind to it, but your weakness is to be too ambitious. You don't have to prove that you're worthy all the time, we know you are."

Tav moved further down, rubbing circles into the skin on both sides of Gale's spine. The latter hissed at the pain.

"You're so stressed that you've stopped eating again, and don't deny it, love, I'm not dense."

The wizard grunted, but kept silent otherwise.

"You're working on too many projects at once," Tav continued. "You have a full-time job at the academy, at the same time, we're finishing the book about our travels, and you're writing your own research papers on the side. You must slow down or otherwise you'll burn out."

"But there's so much I want to do," Gale defended his actions. "It feels like I'm running out of time."

At that, the bard barked a laugh.

"You're a wizard, love. I'm sure you'll find plenty of ways to prolong your lifespan. You'll definitely live longer than me."

Gale wanted to protest, but Tav scooted further down to press her thumbs into his buttcheeks, and he yelped. He turned his head to glare at his wife, but she nonchalantly shrugged, explaining: "You're terribly tense. That's what you get from sitting and standing around all day."

The wizard sighed deeply and pillowed his forehead onto his arms again. It was fruitless to argue with her. Tav moved on to his legs, relentlessly massaging his muscles.

"How's the knee?" she asked caringly.

"It's fine," answered Gale.

Back when they'd fought in the goblin camp, one of the little creatures had snuck up on him when he'd been distracted by casting a spell, and had shattered his kneecap with the iron handle of a broken axe. After the battle, Shadowheart and Halsin had done their best to heal the damage. With the help of his mother's potent salve recipe, Gale had nursed his knee further. Nonetheless, it still troubled him sometimes, especially after kneeling for a while.

"Maybe, you need a change," Tav told him now. "You talk about becoming a private tutor often enough and I think it'll do you good. That way, you'd have more free time for all your other projects."

Gale pondered about it silently.

It was true that he complained about his students on a weekly basis. Especially dear old Tara had to listen to his rants.

"Maybe, you're right," he muttered.

"Of course I'm right, I'm your wife," snickered Tav.

She took his foot into her hands and pressed her thumbs into the sole, making Gale groan. He appreciated her pampering.

At the beginning of their relationship, he'd always felt bad for being taken care of. Mystra had taught him to always serve instead of take, and for a long time, Gale had felt guilty when he'd received affection without doing anything in return. But he'd gotten better about it over the past six years. It helped that Tav loved to shower her lovers with affection and that she happily pleased them without expecting a quid pro quo.

Finally, the bard seemed to be satisfied with her work and let go of her husband's foot. She placed a gentle kiss on each of his buttcheeks.

"At least, promise me to eat regularly. You've gotten awfully skinny again and it just doesn't suit you."

"I promise," Gale answered with a sigh.

"Good," she smiled.

A shiver ran down the wizard's spine at the praise and he blushed slightly. Tav noticed it with a grin and kissed his spine.

"You're so good for me, Gale," she whispered and goosebumps spread over the addressed's skin.

Tav licked a stripe up his crack, making him gasp.

"Get on your knees for me, love."

A bit anxiously, Gale looked over his shoulder. He knew she wouldn't be mad if he'd say no. But, as it was so often the case, curiosity and academic studiousness got the better of him. Thus, the wizard brought his knees under him with his head and shoulders still on the mattress, ass in the air. Gale felt embarrassed and turned his face into the pillow. Tav spread his cheeks apart and started to eat him out enthusiastically, pushing her talented tongue into him. Gale couldn't hold back a guttural moan. The bard kissed his rim before carefully sliding two well-oiled fingers into him and stroking his prostate. Her husband mewled, eyes rolling back in his head.

"That's it love. Let loose, enjoy it. You're doing so well," praised Tav and went back to licking into him between her fingers.

Trembling, Gale wrapped a hand around himself and started to stroke. He came with a high-pitched moan, vision whitening due to the intensity, and spilling over his hand and abdomen. The wizard collapsed onto the mattress, panting elaborately. The bard placed one last kiss on his buttcheek before kissing Gale's shoulder.

"You're wonderful," she murmured, lay down next to him, and pulled him into her arms.

Gale sighed happily, placing his head on her broad shoulder, and linked their fingers together. She had surprisingly small hands for such a strong frame, but since she was shorter than him, it probably made sense.

"Did you enjoy it?" Tav wanted to know.

"Yes," muttered Gale, hiding his face in the crook of her neck, and she smiled amused.

"Good. I wasn't sure if you would. Astarion told me about your little... hm... 'discord'. But he was also the one to encourage me to try it. He said you might prefer it if I eat you out instead of him. He's still a bit scared, you see. He thinks he'll lose control again as soon as he buries his tongue in you."

Gale blushed even harder and wanted to hide somewhere. Why must his spouses always be so blunt when it came to bedroom activities? He doubted that he'd ever get used to it.

"I trust Astarion's judgement," the wizard replied then. "He's come a long way."

Tav nodded.

"He's such a sweetheart, isn't he? Even though he often hides his true self behind his mask of sass and sarcasm. But he'd opened up around us and I'm very proud of him."

"Mhm, me too," muttered Gale smiling.

Now, the bard turned a bit to look at him.

"I'm proud of you too, Gale. You also went through so much and you do well."

The addressed blushed again.

"Thank you. You can't imagine how much your words mean to me."

"I do," said his wife and attempted to kiss him.

But Gale held her back to mutter a spell first, cleaning her mouth, before leaning over. Happily, Gale sighed into the kiss and deepened it while caressing Tav's cheek. Somehow, it was so easy to be with her, she was always understanding, caring, and a ride or die. He loved her for it. Gale wrapped a hand around the bard's shoulder to pull her closer.

On Friday afternoon, Gale was visited by his childhood friend Monty who'd been (and still sometimes was) Elminster's assistant. Together, they'd gotten into loads of shenanigans in Shadowdale during the time Gale had been tutored by Elminster as a teenager.

Now, they were both in their thirties, and sitting in the cozy living room of Gale's tower house, a purring Tara on their lap, a snoring Scratch and Naïlo at their feet, a cup of tea in hand and a piece of vanilla cake balanced on their knees. They chatted about all kinds of topics, talked shop, and reminisced about the past.

"I'm relieved that everything turned out alright," said Monty with a sigh. "So many unfortunate things happened to you; Mystra, the Orb, the Mind Flayer parasite... I'm glad you found happiness and people you love. Your spouses and Shadowheart are lovely. I was so excited to finally meet them at the wedding. You've told me so much about them and I couldn't wait to meet the saviours of Baldur's Gate and all of Faerûn. You're basically famous, legendary almost."

Chuckling, Gale replied: "Now, you're exaggerating. We saved the world, sure, but most of our deeds are already forgotten. There are always new horrors waiting on the horizon one has to worry about. And to be completely honest with you, I'm relieved people don't treat us like heroes. It would be incredibly awkward."

At that, the tiefling laughed.

"You're probably right. If you'd be famous, we couldn't meet up on a random Friday, but must schedule it at least three months beforehand."

Gale joined in his laughter.

"You should visit me and Linard in Shadowdale," Monty told him now. "We built a house with an attached smithy and a laboratory. I'm trying out some new distilled fruit brandy at the moment and Linard's working on some handy daggers."

"I'll swing by," Gale promised, smiling. "Your partner made a lovely first impression at the wedding and the kitchen knives were a very thoughtful gift."

Monty chuckled.

"Linard prefers to make knives and daggers instead of swords and other weapons. That's why some people say he's a useless smith, but I disagree. Knives and tableware as well as shovels and axes are way more important on a daily basis than weapons."

Gale nodded agreeingly with a hum.

Monty stayed for dinner and he thoroughly enjoyed the passionate discussions with Gale and his family. It warmed his heart that his old friend had finally found a place where he belonged, with people who loved him and cared about him.

Around midnight, they said their goodbyes and Monty opened a portal to Shadowdale. As soon as he stepped through, the tiefling was surrounded by the sound of the nightly woods, his hometown quiet and asleep. Monty unlocked the front door of his home as quietly as possible, shutting the heavy oak wood behind him, and toeing of his boots. The smell of metal, fire, and herbal concoctions hung in the air. They complimented each other perfectly, the alchemist-wizard and the smith. The only light source was the low-burning fireplace.

"Ah, you're back."

Linard's deep, husky voice came from the rocking chair in the corner as the tall, broad, blond human stood up and made himself known. Monty smiled.

"Hello, love."

He sighed happily when his partner kissed him. The latter stroke the tiefling's cheek.

"It seems like you had a lot of fun with Gale," Linard remarked, smiling softly. "You must tell me all about it tomorrow. I'd love to hear the newest gossip regarding the saviours of Baldur's Gate and your first crush."

With a heated face, Monty snorted a laugh, grateful that his red skin prevented him from blushing.

"You're an idiot."

"You love me."

"Never said I don't."

They kissed again and things got heated quickly. They hurried upstairs, leaving a trail of clothes behind them. Linard pressed Monty up against the windowsill, kissing him breathless.

"I missed you, sweetling," said the smith. "Now, turn around and let me greet you properly. "

Grinning widely, the addressed complied, leaned forward, and put his hands up against the windowsill. Linard grabbed the oil and started to open his partner up with his thick fingers. Monty squirmed and moaned, widening his stand. He gazed out the window while Linard started to rim him and the tiefling cried out into the silent night in pleasure. When Linard finally deemed him ready and stood up, the tiefling asked teasingly: "Are you jealous for some reason?"

The human snorted a laugh.


He pressed himself closer to his partner, rubbing his erection against his buttcheeks.

"There's no need for jealousy," replied Linard, grinning, "because I know I'm the one who wakes up next to you every day, makes love to you, and knows exactly what you like."

And with the last sentence, the smith grabbed the base of Monty's tail and tucked it upwards. The tiefling moaned, eyes rolling back in his head, co*ck drooling precum onto the wooden floor. He arched his back more and tightened his hold on the windowsill.

"Gods, Lin, f*ck me already!"

"Today's youth has no patience," tut-tutted the smith teasingly, but he finally pushed in and bottomed out.

Monty threw his head back with a cry, loving the way he was stuffed full by his partner. Linard set a fast pace, almost pulling all the way out before slamming back into the tiefling and hitting his prostate with every thrust. The smith revelled in his lover's cries of pleasure. He ran a hand down Monty's front, caressing the ridges along his sides. Finally, he wrapped his hand around the tiefling's dick and rubbed his fingers along the ridges at the base of it.

"I'm not jealous because we f*cked so many times that I know your body better than anyone else."

He flicked a finger against his partner's straining erection, making him moan gutturally.

"I'm not jealous because I know you love me and you are mine."

Linard sheathed himself deep in his lover and came, filling him, while he kept stroking him. With a loud moan, Monty climax too, spilling all over himself, the hand around him, and the floor. His ass flexed, trying to milk his lover dry. Linard leaned over him and placed a tender kiss on Monty's shoulder.

"You're right," panted the latter. "I love you and I'm yours."

At that, the smith hummed pleased and kissed his neck.

"Let's clean up and go to bed, hm?"

"Yeah," said Monty and chuckled.

#baldur's gate 3#bg3#fanfic#character study#author's self-indulgent fluff and headcanons#gale x tav#background astarion x gale x shadowheart x tav#oc x oc#astarion#astarion ancunin#gale#gale dekarios#gale of waterdeep#shadowheart#tav#scratch#owlbear cub#naïlo#tara#tara the tressym#mind the trigger warning#ocs#original characters

love languages: choi seungcheol

choi seungcheol x gn readerfluff, headcanonwarnings: one single mention of making out, sex, assword count: 497author's notes: very self-indulgent, i should add. i planned on writing all thirteen members' together. then i decided to go age-wise. now, we're doing it by each member :') hope you enjoy!

gift giving:–

loves to show his affection you by giving you gifts. specifically, stuff that you want. it's not even mentioned directly — he just noticed you look at a pair of earrings for a little too long and with a little too want. mentally notes it. wont stop until he buys it and baam the next thing you know, he hands it to you on your birthday, your anniversary, or any other random day. stuff like these don't need any special reason, he says. doesnt even have to be anything expensive or extraordinary. even that keychain you saw at the supermarket while grocery shopping, that you then thought you didnt really need. he gets it for you the next day. would become super duper happy when he sees you using it.

"what's this," you ask as you tear open the wrapper and find a cherry blossom keychain inside."I noticed you looking at it yesterday. so I went there and bought it.

quality time:–

loves to spend his time with you, most of it, if not all. always there to listen to your rants and talks, even if it's just about how rough work was, or something funny that happened, or just straight up blabbering. instantly gives you hundred percent of his attention when you start talking. also loves to get off work quick so that he can rush back home and be with you. however you decide to spend the time, he wants you to do it with him. it could be cooking, watching tv, doing laundry or skincare. it doesn't matter as long as you're doing it together.

"cheol, you won't believe what happened today!"seungcheol immediately turns his phone off and sits up straight as you approach, "what is it, love?""our boss's wife showed up and started shouting at him!""really?? why?"

physical touch:–

if he could attach you both together, he'd try that- always on you. you're connected, somehow, someway. you could be hugging, kissing, cuddling, making out, having sex, but he needs his skin to be touching your skin. it's such a deeper level of connection for him, that you're both familiar with each other's bodies, comfortable to share it with the other. it's very personal to him and he cherishes the feeling. however, in public, where he can't really engage in pda (he would, but you'd just glare at him), he finds other ways of holding you. hand on your waist, or the small of your back, or the curve of your ass; arm around your shoulder; caressing your cheeks or booping your nose. and if you reject his touches, be prepared to deal with a sulky kidult (pun intended). in general, he needs your touch to survive.

seungcheol's wrapped around you as soon as he comes home, huge arms on your waist and head on your shoulder. he doesnt say anything, only smiles when you turn around and kiss him. now he is home, he thinks and sighs contently.

#seventeen#svt#seventeen imagines#seventeen x reader#svt x reader#svt scenarios#seventeen seungcheol#choi seungcheol#seungcheol#seungcheol x reader#fluff#seungcheol fluff#scoups#seventeen scoups#scoups x reader#articles.ris


Apr 26

Asa Branca

Summary: it's your husband's birthday and you can't help but throw a surprise themed party for him inspired by his favorite holiday from your home country.

Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x gn!brazilian!reader

Warnings: FLUFF!!!!! Tiny bit of self doubt from Hotch, a small mention of violence (I mean, it's a CM fic what else is new)

Word count: 3.2k

Author's note: ATTENTION ALL BRAZILIAN HOTCH GALS AND DUDES!!!!! And non Brazilians too!!!! I am bringing you a little bit from my country's beautiful culture with a lot of fluff! I came across this concept last year when Bella @madwomansapologist (HI BOO) posted headcanons for Marvel characters enjoying a traditional festa junina and I was obsessed™. Then in a quiet evening @hotchfiles indulged me as we discussed how Hotch would totally listen to Roupa Nova and HERE WE ARE!!!!!!!! I hope you guys like it!!! Halfway through I noticed this had everything to be a gender neutral fic so if you see any reference or description to the reader's gender PLEASE let me know! The original characters are the same from Give Peace a Chance but you don't have to read that one for this!!! ENJOY A SNIPPET OF OUR BEST HOLIDAY (according to me and only my opinion matters) 🤍

He was going to like it, right?

Of course he would. That's what you kept telling yourself as you continued to sneak decorations throughout the week on David's house. You threatened the entire team to keep a secret and you didn't even know you had it in you to actually threaten federal agents, definitely didn't expect them to agree on the spot. Derek even threw a ‘sir yes sir’ your way. Your sister, Jessica and Penelope were helping you with the organization and your mother would come over a couple of days earlier to help prepare all the food.

The only person more excited than you was probably Jack. Back in June, the three of you traveled back to Brazil, more specifically, to your grandmother's hometown in the countryside; and the boy couldn't contain himself when your grandma dragged all of you to the local church’s festa junina. You explained to Aaron that those parties would happen for the entire month of June to celebrate the nativity of São João - St. John, the Baptist. Although it was a religious holiday, it became bigger than that and represented rural society.

You didn't expect him to like it so much. Your family welcomed him with open arms, your grandma would offer him food all the time and she asked you once if you were feeding him properly, going all the way to ask your mother to translate her question to him to make sure you were being a good spouse. He was definitely amused when you told him and asked your mother to tell her that ever since you started living together, he had to change his entire wardrobe because his suits wouldn't fit anymore.

Your grandma congratulated you on that and he couldn't understand why, the same way he didn't understand why Jack showed up with a R$100 saying that ‘grandma sneaked into his hand’ and told him to buy himself a gift. You just waved him off when he wanted Jack to return the money.

For the next three weeks you went from party to party with your family, Aaron being more than eager to join and even left without you once to join your cousins.

So it made sense to throw him a themed party.

You were five days away from his birthday, sending a list to Penelope with all the songs you wanted at the party. Aaron was reading to Jack when she answered.

Uh oh, we have a problem.

You tensed up, typing the answer right away.

It better not be a psychopath or I'm going after them with a chainsaw.

I'm so sorry…

You tried your best not to be upset about it. They were great at their job, you couldn't remember the last time Aaron spent more than four days away since you began dating. So they could get back on time. You continued to plan as they all left, David gave you a spare key to set everything up, he was confident that they would get back soon so you allowed yourself to feel optimistic.

Thankfully, David had been right. They caught the unsub on the third night, leaving the precinct straight to the airport to go home. Aaron sat by the leather seat across from David, texting you that he would be home by the morning. His eyes moved across the jet, frowning as he saw Spencer, Emily and Derek whispering to each other.

“What's going on?” He asked David, who looked over his shoulder just as JJ joined them.

David looked annoyed but shrugged it off.

“They are like children”, was his response.

Aaron wasn't convinced. Especially when he heard Emily say your name. But he was too tired to question their behavior, he would talk to you on the next day when he got home. Right now, he needed to close his eyes for at least 30 minutes. He managed to sleep through the whole flight, waking up as the plane landed at 7 in the morning. You were still asleep since there was no sign of a reply from you, he was struggling to stay awake as he drove home.

The apartment was warm, he smiled as he could still smell baked cookies in the air and stole one from the kitchen before heading to your bedroom. His smile only grew when he saw you and Jack sharing the bed. You were facing away from the door, laying on your back while Jack hugged your arm, keeping you from fully turning on your side. Aaron was extra careful heading to the bathroom, making sure neither of you would wake up and didn't take longer than fifteen minutes in the shower.

You were both sleeping peacefully when he returned, now clad in just a t-shirt and sweatpants, and then he joined you in bed. Jack barely moved, Aaron figured that you were both up until late for him not to be awake and running around at 8. And he had to pay extra attention to know that you were breathing.

It was definitely a surprise to wake up to Aaron in bed. You checked your phone to see a text from him hours ago and it was past 10. Jack wasn't in bed anymore and you could hear the TV coming from down the hall. You were silently leaving the bed, hoping that you wouldn't wake your husband but he was the lightest sleeper in the entire world and you only felt an arm wrapping around your waist, pulling you back.

“Where do you think you're going?” You chuckled, turning to face him and quickly pressed a kiss to his lips. His arms caged you in, keeping you close against his chest and your smile only growing as he kissed your neck, you could feel him take a deep breath against your skin. “I missed you.”

“I missed you too”, you said, your voice a little gruff from sleep. “Now go back to sleep.”

“Are you trying to get rid of me?” He joked, not moving an inch.

“No, I just know that you didn't sleep for the past three days”, you responded, pulling his hands from you as you moved back to get out of bed. “I'll wake you up when lunch is ready.”

“Your grandmother would be proud, looking after your husband”, he teased you, his eyes already closed as he was half asleep.

“I'm a great wife, I know”, you replied, hearing him chuckle. You circled the bed, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “I love you. Have sweet dreams about me.”

“Always do.”

He was practically out before you even reached the door. It was a bit harder to hide the party now that he was home. You kept texting your sister and Penelope, coordinating things from a distance since you couldn't just leave without making Aaron suspicious. But the fact that you were on your phone way too often got him noticing.

He did the one thing he had promised he wouldn't do. Profile you. You were incredibly secretive, carried your phone wherever you went and kept texting someone all the time. From the time he woke up until you got ready to sleep again, it was enough to start to crawl under his skin.

He was away for too long. He worked too much and left you alone to take care of Jack. He wouldn't hold it against you if you had met someone else. But he hoped you would talk to him about it before moving on. You were married for two years, did you have enough of him already? But he wouldn't confront you right away, he wanted to make sure it wasn't his mind playing tricks on him.

And he was positive that it was the case. He woke up to a whole breakfast prepared, Jack had made him a drawing and a custom tie that said ‘best dad’. It was adorable. You claimed to have a whole birthday prepared and it started with lunch in a restaurant you both had been wanting to try for a while now but didn't have the time.

“Are we going to aunt Alex's house?” Jack asked as you were all heading home and you gasped, looking back at him. “You forgot.”

“I did”, you grimaced, looking at Aaron. “I promised Jack he could go to Alex's house for a sleepover.”

“That's okay”, he said, glancing at the rearview mirror at Jack. “Do you have your things ready?”

“Yes, I packed yesterday.”

“I'll drop him off then”, Aaron told you, placing his hand on your knee as he drove. “You can stay home, take a painkiller.”

“But it's your birthday”, you whined. You had complained earlier that you had a headache and wanted to try to get some rest.

“I think I'll survive”, he responded, earning a glare from you. “I'll be back in a second.”

You complied but he could tell you were bothered. Surprisingly, you didn't try to argue with him when he left towards Alex's house. Jack ran inside, clumsily rushing upstairs as soon as your sister opened the door.

“Hi! If it isn't the birthday boy!” Alex exclaimed with a grin, proceeding to give him a tight hug as he chuckled. “Come in!”

“Oh, I just came to drop him off”, he told her, already preparing to head back to the car. He wanted nothing more than to be with you. “Y/N wasn't feeling well.”

“Headache again? I'm gonna send you a colleagues phone number, he's a neurologist”, your sister's motherly tone made him smile. “So… Any big plans for the night?”

“Probably not, I'm gonna go back to check on Y/N. We'll probably stay in for the night.”

“Well, I hope you enjoyed your day. Jack is in good hands.”

“I know, thank you for that”, he said.

It was already past 6pm so the sun had already set as he drove back home. He was ready to have a calm evening with you, when his phone rang. He looked at David's name on the screen and let out a long breath, dreading that call.


“A 25 year Old Rip Van Winkle”, Dave's voice reached his ear. “I'm about to open the bottle for you. What do you say?”

Aaron chuckled.

“I'm flattered.”

“C'mon, let's celebrate.”

He let out a sigh. He was worried about you but it was a rare thing for him to just enjoy a drink with his friend. So he agreed. He tried to call you on his way to Dave's house but it rang until it went to voicemail so he texted you to let you know he would be back soon. Traffic was extra packed for a Saturday so it took him an hour to reach his friend's house.

“There he is!” Dave smiled, patting his shoulder and Aaron frowned at the red plaid shirt he was wearing. “I didn't think you were going to show up. Where's Y/N?”

“Wasn't feeling well”, he answered, his frown getting deeper and he breathed in. It didn't take him more than a second to recognize the smell. He had seen your mother prepare it. Red wine, cinnamon and cloves. Dave started to walk ahead of him towards the kitchen. “What are you cooking?”

“I'm not cooking”, he simply answered.


The chorus of screams startled him, taking a step back as he took in the presence of several people in David's backyard. Including you.

The entire backyard was decorated with colorful paper, fairy lights, even a bonfire. The entire team was there, JJ brought Henry, your sister was there with her husband and the kids, Jessica too, even your parents were there. Jack comes over to him, running while holding onto his straw hat before hugging his legs.

“Didn't I just leave you at Alex's house?” Aaron chuckled, picking his son up as you approached them. You looked gorgeous. All dressed up in plaid, black and boots. “How did you pull this off?”

“I'm not gonna reveal my secrets”, you said to him, grinning as you wrapped your arm around his waist and he leaned to give you a kiss. “Happy birthday. Again.”

“Happy birthday!”

He accepted the team's hugs, also taking a plaid shirt you handed to him.

“Is your spouse single, by any chance?” Emily asked, there was a cup of the mulled wine and a plate with food in her hands. “I mean, if that's the treatment you get for being married…”

“I'm afraid they're off the market”, Aaron answered, his arm snaking around your waist to kiss your head.

“I'll plan your birthday party next year”, you told her.

“Can it be the same theme?” Emily gasped. “It doesn't have to be the same, as long as you or your mom cooks.”

“I'll see what I can do about that.”

Aaron definitely wasn't expecting a surprise party but he was happy that you had planned it. Everyone was dressed appropriately, JJ even had pigtails, Mari looked adorable in her pink outfit which almost matched Penelope's colorful dress. Your mother had made all the dishes he had commented he liked.

Caldo verde, paçoca, mungunzá, pão de queijo, pamonha, tapioca… He feared that by the end of the party, he still wouldn't try everything.

“How long have you been planning this?” He asked, you were setting up the music with Penelope's help.

“Two to three weeks”, you answered him with a shrug, choosing a specific playlist which of course you had set up. He recognized the melody and the genre, it was forró, he would often hear you singing it but much to your disapproval, he was still helpless in his Portuguese so he couldn't make up the words, except that it was romantic. You turned around, wrapping your arms around him. “Too much?”

“It's perfect”, he affirmed, cupping your face to give you another kiss.

Your smile was contagious and before he knew, he was swaying away with you, proving that he also remembered how to dance. Two steps to one side, two steps to the other.

“Me leve onde eu quero ir, se quiser também pode vir”, you were singing along. Most of the guests were also dancing, your parents in their own world, your sister and brother in-law were trying to teach the team which made laughter echo around along with the music but his focus was on you. “Escuta meu coração que bate no compasso da zabumba de paixão.”

Your eyes were glowing, you couldn't stop smiling and he never felt more in love with you.

“If we weren't already married, I would propose to you right now.”

You laughed at his words, your hold on him tightening as he pulled you even closer.

“Did you really like it?” You asked, biting on your lip as if you expected him to say otherwise.

“Are you kidding? Definitely the best party I ever had.” He kissed you again. “I'm only missing your grandmother's corn cake.”

“There's one waiting for you at home”, you told him, a satisfied smile on your face.

“I love you.”

You danced for a few songs, your sister started to set up a karaoke and that was probably the worst and best idea to have amongst people drunk out of their minds with wine. It was the worst because she challenged everyone to sing in Portuguese; and it was the best because this was the most fun the team had in ages.

“C'mon”, you said to Aaron, pulling him towards the microphones.


“Please”, you whined, also under the effects of the wine. You gave him the sad puppy eyes and he let out a sigh, easily complying. You chose the song and then gave him a serious look. “You know this one. We can't lose.”

“We’re not keeping score”, he reminded you, amused by your competitiveness.

“Well, I am.”

You were determined as the song started. Everyone was cheering, making you grin. Aaron was laughing as you started, looking offended when he didn't join.

“C'mon, Hotch!” Derek cheered him on.

“Diz que é verdade, que tem saudade! Que ainda você pensa muito em mim!” He tried to sing along with you as best as he could and from how your mother and sister were laughing, he wasn't doing a good job but just to see you screaming at the top of your lungs, grinning while Emily and Derek tried to sing too, it was damn worthy to embarrass himself. “Diz que é verdade, que tem saudade! Que ainda você quer viver pra mim!”

They all applauded you and his effort, only for your sister to drag her husband too and force him to do the same. He also recognized that one, pulling you close to dance again.

“Na minha fantasia, o mundo era você e eu”, you sang along, letting him twirl you around. “Eu perguntava ‘do you wanna dance?’, e te abraçava ‘do you wanna dance?’ Lembrar você… Um sonho a mais não faz mal!”

Aaron stopped by the backyard doors after checking on Jack, who was sleeping in one of the guest bedrooms in a massive bed with Eric, Henry and Mari. They were all deep asleep, just like you said they would be.

“It's part of the Latin American culture, they're fine”, you had told him.

It was well past two in the morning when everyone started to say their goodbyes. JJ was the first to leave with Emily and Spencer, taking a sleeping Henry with them; next was Derek and Penelope, each of them taking at least two containers with leftover food prepared by your mother. She had ignored every single protest coming from Dave to just leave everything the way it was and that someone would be there the next morning to fix it. You had joined her with your sister, only the decorations stayed behind.

The food that hadn't been taken by someone was safely tucked inside Dave's fridge and all the dishes were washed.

“Thank you for helping out with the party”, Aaron told his friend as they all headed out.

“Didn't have that much fun in years”, Dave responded. “You're all welcomed to throw more parties like this one.”

“And you're welcomed to join us when we go back home to Brazil”, you said to him, giving him a hug. “You're gonna love it.”

“Just tell me when.”

Aaron was grateful for all of your effort and everyone's presence, but his favorite moment was to lay down next to you after he showed you how much he appreciated everything you did for him. Your head was on his chest as he held you close, hearing your calm breathing.

“Thank you for today”, he murmured, his lips on top of your head.

“You don't have to thank me”, you dismissed. “I'm glad you liked it.”

“I was talking to your sister's husband back there”, he mentioned. “He said that they are going to the northeast for the holidays with your parents.”

“Yeah, they're leaving on December 21st, I think.”

“Why didn't you tell me? You don't want to go?”

You tilted your head back to meet his gaze as he frowned at you.

“I just accepted that you couldn't go”, you shrugged.

“I still have ten days off”, he mentioned. “Strauss definitely won't mind.”

A smile grew on your face.

“You really want to go?”

“To spend the holidays at a paradisiac beach getting to see you half naked all the time? I don't see why I wouldn't want that.”

You laughed at his words, his grin matching yours. You gave him a kiss, his arms tightening around you.

“I love you.”

“I love you more.”

#I'M COUNTING THE DAYS UNTIL JUNE#I CAN'T WAIT TO GO ON A QUERMESSE#FESTA JUNINA IS THE BEST HOLIDAY#WHO CARES ABOUT CARNAVAL???????#WHEN YOU CAN HAVE A WHOLE BUNCH OF FOOD#DURING WINTER#CUDDLING AND GETTING SOME CHAMEGUINHO WITH YOUR BOO WHILE EATING CALDO VERDE AND DRINKING QUENTÃO#thank you very much for your attention and time#aaron hotchner x reader#aaron hotchner#aaron hotch x reader#aaron hotch hotchner#aaron hotch imagine#aaron hotch fanfiction#aaron hotchner fanfiction#aaron hotchner fluff#aaron hotchner fic#aaron hotchner imagine#criminal minds#criminal minds fanfiction#criminal minds fic#criminal minds fluff


Oct 3, 2022

i’m sick as a dog rn (i think it’s just a cold but it’s got me DOWN) and was wondering if you could do headcanons of either the second or third years taking care of a sick reader 😭

Aww! Me too lovely! Self-indulgence coming right up! 🛎🍳

Taking Care of You When You're Sick 🤧(GN!Reader/Octavinelle: Azul, Floyd, Jade)


Tags:Reader’s body not described nor are pronouns used, fluff, reader has a cold, Floyd says something suggestive but nothing actually happens haha, implied pining.

Words: 2k

Author’s notes:I ended up writing a short story rather than headcanons, whoops? Snipped it to just the Octotrio due to the length, haha. I just came down with a cold too, (as if just having recovered from surgery wasn't enough lol) so we can both project onto some cute fish boys to drown our sorrows together. 😖

Want more TWST?Here’s my masterlist!

Azul Ashengrotto:

He has no idea what to do (affectionate). Azul will notice your absence from daily activities fairly quickly. He had the schedules memorized of the more ah... let's call them 'notable' students, and that includes you. Grim had been attending classes, but if anyone asked him where you were he would just say something about him 'not being your babysitter'. This was technically correct because you were in fact, Grim's babysitter, but it wasn't worth the breath one would waste arguing with him.

By overhearing the conversation between some of your socially impaired first-year groupies, it appeared you were sick. This bothered him greatly. Humans were much more susceptible to disease than mermen and pathetic as it was, he felt a tinge of charity pull at his heart upon hearing that you were ill. He supposed that he could visit.

Armed with a ‘how to take care of a sick human’ article on his phone, a reusable bag, and a full wallet, he raided Sam’s shop for all of the things that are supposed to make even the frailest of humans feel better. He debated calling in Jade and Floyd for their assistance in taking care of you, but he decided the snide comments of the twins weren’t worth the possible benefits. If you want a job done right, you have to do it yourself after all. Armed with soup, tissues, multiple types of medicine, and hot and cold patches, Azul makes his way to Ramshackle.

He knocks, but no response. He supposed he should have guessed as much, it’s not like the ghosts would answer and Grim is doing whatever that fiery tanuki does on the daily.

“Prefect?” He called, pushing on the doorknob to find it unlocked. With a shrug he traipses inside, scanning around the lounge, the bathroom, and the kitchen. It was beaten to hell, but there was a charm to the small things you had littered around the place to make it feel like home. A tied rag potholder here, a stained apron there, he felt a small smile spread across his face. Cute. Terribly kitsch and with no sense of room appeal, but cute.

A floorboard creaked upstairs, and he figured that was where you might be. Azul headed up the stairs and softly called your name, hearing a loud ‘BWUH’ come behind a door that he assumed was yours. Knocking softly, he called out to you again.

“May I come in?” He asked, plastering on his proper salesman face. You so owed him for this display of goodwill.

“A-Azul? Uh, yeah.” You called, voice audibly hoarse and nasally.

Azul swept into your room and set down his bag of goods, sweeping over your room curiously for information. It was the cleanest room in the whole house, but that was like saying that you got second place out of three entries. There were your books and schoolwork, some knickknacks and souvenirs that your friends had undoubtedly given you, but it was otherwise quite bare. As to be expected, he supposed. After a moment of silence, his eyes finally fell on you. Your eyes were red and glassy, your lips chapped, and you were covered in goosebumps. He felt his heart skip a beat.

Wait, what…?

Azul slapped his hand to his chest instinctually, surprised at the sudden feeling that was washing over him. On the other hand, you looked at him with ever-increasing skepticism.

“How can I help you Azul?” You rasp, eyes flicking between his face and the bag that he had dropped on your floor. Azul looked a little flushed. Was it hot in here? Your fever was making it difficult to tell.

“I just ah…” Azul began, his pulse fluttering as he looked for a good explanation. “I just wanted to…”

Your brow was raised amusedly. How often did anyone get to see Azul of all people be at a loss for words?

“I just wanted to make sure that someone had thought to take care of you… since you’re alone here, and all.” He finished, the flush on his cheekbones darkening. He thought back to the times that his family had taken care of him when he was sick, and also the times that they hadn’t. The times that he was alone. And you, you were always that alone, weren’t you?

“Please allow me to help you… on the house.” He finished, eyes looking anywhere but at you.

“I see.” You say. You eye his bag, his expression, the way his hair was windswept in an uncharacteristic way, “Thank you, Azul.”

“You’re… very welcome.”

Floyd Leech:

He has no idea what to do (insult). Azul had returned from Ramshackle earlier that day in an uncharacteristically spacey mood, and he had a suspicion that it had something to do with you. Telling Jade that he was heading out, he walked to the decrepit building. Opening the door without knocking, he saw that one of Azul’s bags was on the table. Huh.

Rifling through the contents, he found supplies for human colds. Putting two and two together, his face curled into a smirk.

“Azul is making shrimp scampi, huh?” He giggled, cracking himself up with his joke. The soup was chicken noodle, but you had to work with the material you were given. Waltzing his way upstairs to your room, he slammed the door open, which woke you up with a start.

“W-what? Floyd?” You yelled, holding your blanket to your chest in surprise.

There was a slight sliver of skin exposed from the buttons of your pajama top had come loose. Floyd’s eyes flicked to your slipping collar and then back to your face, giggling while he strode forward, flopping to a seat next to you.

“Shrimpy, what is it about you, huh?” He asks, getting dangerously close to your face as his eyes scan for any microexpression that might give away your secret.

“You’re just so… different, aren’t you?” He asked, trailing a finger down the line between your ribs. You frowned and slapped his hand away.

“Floyd, I’m too tired for your weird teasing, okay? Get away, I don’t want to get you sick too.” You chide, trying to push him to his feet and off of your bed with your germy self.

Floyd clicked his tongue, “Aww, don’t be like that. Idiots don’t get colds you know? I’ll be fine.” He said with a grin, the low light sparkling off of his pointed teeth.

You frowned. You highly doubted that but you also knew so little about mermen that he might be right? Ugh, why was everything so confusing?

“Aww, your face is so cute.” Floyd cooed, squishing your cheeks like dough. “Should I sleep here with you? Will that make you feel better?” He asked, getting uncomfortably close again.

“Flowyed, stut upf.” You whined, words muffled by Floyd’s vice grip on your face.

“Fish are cold-blooded, you know? I’d be like an ice pack for your feverish ‘Lil head.” He continued, seemingly convincing himself more than you about why this was such a good idea.

“If you’re really good, we can snuggle naked?”


“Fine, fine, you’re no fun,” Floyd sighed, finally standing up and walking towards your hall. He looked over his shoulder at you as he was closing the door, a mischievous sparkle in his eye.

“I’ll come to sleep with you when you’re well instead. Later!” He cackled, slamming the door shut to shield himself from the pillow you had tried to lob directly at your face.

Feeling even warmer than you had a minute ago, you collapsed in a huff and yelled into your pillow in frustration.

This freaking eel was going to kill you.

Jade Leech:

Something was apparently in the air today, because both Azul and Floyd had gone to visit the Ramshackle Prefect. Jade had to admit that he was quite fond of them, their naïveté about the world they had found themself in was quite entertaining to watch, especially as it pertained to non-humans such as himself. One day they had taken multiple hours to quiz him about merpeople, their food, their culture, and even their anatomy. Jade had offered a “demonstration” on the anatomy portion, but they had sadly refused his kindness. A pity.

Both Azul and his brother had returned with significant mood changes. Azul had returned in a strangely introspective mood, staring dazedly out the windows with his brows knit in thought and then locking himself in his office for the last few hours, clearly wrapped up in some sort of project.

On the other hand, while Floyd was similarly distracted, he seemed quite frustrated. He was being fairly active on campus, running around in search of stimulation. Jade recognized this as being one of Floyd’s many coping mechanisms when he was actively trying to distract himself. How very interesting.

Walking up to Ramshackle, Jade was distracted by the thought of how the gloomy and decrepit building could be well utilized as a greenhouse for some tricky plants he had hoped to cultivate. He filed away that thought for later, perhaps the Prefect would be willing to trade him some growing space in one of the spare rooms at a later date. He would just need to think of something that they wanted enough to give it to him. Well, he was here anyway, might as well try and find out.

Entering the charming hovel of the entryway, Jade notices the Prefect’s shoes discarded next to the doorway. He certainly did not trust the floor enough to do the same.

Walking up the stairs, Jade decided that the best bet would be simply to beeline to the Prefect. He had brought his mushroom risotto along with him, thinking that you might appreciate a home-cooked meal when you were ill. The feedback he had received upon serving it in the cafeteria was quite positive from the other humans, so he was about 70% sure this particular species of fungi was not lethal to your species. Well, the ones from here at least. That is what the other 30% is for.

Rapping his knuckles lightly on the door, he heard a quiet ‘come in’ from inside the room. Jade turned the knob and let himself inside, holding up the thermos with risotto in one hand and one with peppermint tea in another.

“I apologize for the intrusion.”

“Jade?” You ask, “Wow, I think I’ve had more visitors from Octinavelle today than when you all tried to steal this place.” You graveled, weak cough shaking your body as you laugh.

Jade gives you a warm, genuine smile. His face crumples into a melodic laugh, a real one, and he covers his face to stifle the sound.

“Well, the location is still quite ideal if you ever change your mind.” He says, stepping forward to place the food he brought on your nightstand. “Food and drink, I get the feeling that you might not make some otherwise.”

You look wide-eyed at the two containers, carefully picking them up and unscrewing the caps to see the contents. Through your stuffed-up nose you could smell a hint of mint, and the risotto looked decadently buttery.

You looked to Jade, and he motioned to the attached cutlery. Taking a wary bite, your mouth was met with something both delicious, hearty, and oddly familiar. Had you had this before? Your heart skipped a beat at how tender this moment felt. Jade’s eyes looked lidded and fond while tears threatened to well up in the corners of your eyes.

“I-I really needed this, I think.” You say, your ‘D’s sounded like ‘B’s due to your stuffy nose. “Thank you very much, Jade.”

Jade nods, looking pleased. You continue eating your fill and then allow Jade to gather his dishes, promising that he will come again soon with another dish. You were fairly excited at the prospect.

Jade pauses for a moment at the door, seemingly in thought. He returns to your side, but before you can question him, you feel a warm peck at your forehead.

“Feel better.”

Jade leaves as fast as he came in. You sit there flustered and confused.

Is this just a merman thing or what?

Pray for me! I hate phlegm with my entire body, I want to die and to kill at the same time. Why hast mine own body forsaken me?

What did you think? suggestions, feedback? LMK!

Love you, reader!

Requested Tags:

@certe-cose, @readinganas, @yandere-kou, @daeda21, @sideofblog, @buckketboy, @kxhyuns, @aikochan4859, @kumiko-desu, @destinationdesignation, @star-gods, @fragmentedstarlight, @sarahyumiko2, @sappyisyourpappy, @sunnyseaside, @bunntsu, @rebel-faes-writing, @stillserene, @witch-waycult, @fr0llo, @bluesylveon2, @dari-kun, @kit4kat256, @riddle-simp, @fightmecowardlmao, @lovelynai, @chillywinterbreeze, @venniin, @acherrytart, @naniky,

#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland x reader#azul x reader#azul twst#jade leech#jade x reader#twst jade x reader#twst jade leech#floyd leech#floyd x reader#twst floyd#twst fanfic#twst reader insert#reader insert#gender neutral reader#one shot#twst fluff#twst fic#twst headcanons#twst imagines


Dec 21, 2023

author's note: very self-indulgent content alert!! anyway i wanted to put something out there since i haven't updated in a hot second [my fall semester just ended and i am truly exhausted, but most requests will be done by the end of the year!] please enjoy some roommate headcanons for these two

author's note 2: also i have a lot of thoughts about them so this is probably gonna be my first series [there's gonna be a separate category on my masterlist for them] and also also don't hesitate to send little thoughts in about them i'm so open to spitballing with you guys 💜

cw: nothing, just fluff!

word count: 1600+

John "Soap" Mactavish / GN!Reader / Kyle "Gaz" Garrick

John “Soap” MacTavish

♡ If you’re touch-starved, Soap has you absolutely covered. If you two are sitting on the couch, or at your dinner table, or you just need someone to be by your side, he’ll be ready and willing to have an arm around your shoulders to hold you close.

You frown as you look down at your phone, the screen bright in the darkness of the living room. The person you made plans with tonight was now completely ghosting you, so you were just here, sitting on your couch alone in the middle of the night.

Your phone plops down on the couch when you toss it away, a weird sense of relief coming to you when it disappears in the sea of blankets to your side. You didn’t want to wake Johnny or Kyle with the TV, but you end up flipping the screen on to put on something to drone out the feeling of being left on ‘sent.’

A good fifteen or twenty minutes pass before you’re finally starting to wind down just a smidge, but little did you know, a certain blue-eyed scot had been watching you quietly from the hallway. You jump when his hands meet your shoulders and massage them gently. “What’re you doin’ up, bonnie?” He asks, smiling when you look up to meet his eyes.

“No reason, really.” You pout, your gaze darting to your phone. It doesn’t go unnoticed, but he doesn’t mention it when he sits down between you and the source of your worries. He wraps an arm around you and squeezes your shoulder, turning toward the TV. “You mentioned this show a few days ago, right?” He hums when you nod. “You wanna tell me about it?” You smile and nod again, settling into his side and you start to explain the premise to him.

♡ He’s the type of friend that makes all the plans for nights out (or in, depending on your preference), so expect him to be throwing out ideas for little get-togethers. He also knows your schedule very well because of this, which initially caught you off-guard when it first started happening.

♡ He is constantly doing the weirdest things around the apartment and there have been a number of times where you’ve walked in on him “trying out a new hobby,” one which would probably get all three of you evicted because of how needlessly dangerous it was. The one that you can very distinctly remember was his fascination with fire eating, which you quickly stopped for many, many reasons.

♡ Soap refuses to leave for a deployment without seeing you right before he leaves. He has to get his goodbye hug in, after all! Even with Gaz trying to drag him out so they’re not late, he’s gonna be sitting right there at the door until you get back home because it wouldn’t be fair to just leave without seeing them one more time before they were gone for a few weeks, if not more.

Kyle rubs a hand over his face and stares at Johnny, who’s leaning against the back of the couch and staring at the door expectantly. “Soap, we have to get to the station. The next train comes by in twenty minutes and it’s a fifteen minute walk,” he reminds Johnny for what felt like the thirtieth time.

“We’ll make it! Stop worrying so much,” Johnny says with a smile. “Plus, you know how I feel about leaving without saying ‘bye,’ Garrick.” Kyle rolls his eyes and takes another peek at the time on his phone screen.

After a few more minutes of waiting, the sound of the front door unlocking has Johnny perking up and standing up fully. The moment you enter the door, he’s already on you, pulling you into a big, tight hug. Your confused noise is muffled by his chest and you have to force yourself away a bit just to get a look at him. “Are you guys leaving?”

Johnny gives you an affirmative hum and pulls away, still holding your shoulders. “We’ll be back soon, though. Price said it would only be a couple weeks this time around, yeah?” He looks to Kyle who nods and walks over with his bag slung over his shoulder.

You smile as you look between the two of them, scooting to the side to set your things down and pull them both into a firm group hug. “You’d both better come back safe. I don’t want to get a call from your captain like last time, John.” You give him a scolding tone and he looks a little sheepish, but you cap your words off with a laugh, letting him bury his face into your shoulder with a grin. “We will, promise.”

Kyle “Gaz” Garrick

♡ Gaz stays at your flat more than Soap does because he has less family obligations. So, more often than not, he’ll be coming back to you. That’s not to say he has no family, but he’s definitely not as close to them compared to Soap and his family.

You groan at the sound of your sweet little kitty, Albright, meowing up a storm in the living room. You turn over to his bedside table, picking up your phone. It was still three hours until Albright was supposed to be fed and you were supposed to get up and ready for work. Why the hell was he being so insanely loud?

You roll out of bed with a huff, pulling on your sleep shirt: a painfully oversized t-shirt you stole from Johnny a couple years ago. You don’t even bother putting any socks on before stepping onto the practically freezing hardwood floor, grimacing at the chill that traveled up your legs. Shaking your head, you leave your room and turn on the hallway light.

“sh*t—did we wake you up?” The sound of Kyle’s voice made you jump right out of your skin, a yelp leaving your lips that was probably loud enough for your neighbors to hear. “Kyle, what is wrong with you?! You couldn’t have let me know you were gonna be back tonight?” You hiss. You roll your eyes when Kyle just shrugs and walks over to you with Albright purring in his arms. It was hard to be mad at a sight like that, with Kyle’s handsome face sporting a little guilty smile and the orange tabby cat making biscuits on his chest. “Sorry, love. I hope you’ll forgive us.”

“Yeah, yeah,” you mutter with a poorly suppressed smile on your face. “Is Johnny with you?” Kyle shakes his head and lets Albright jump down from his hold. “He’s back in Scotland with his family.” You frown at that, crossing your arms. “That bastard.”

Kyle couldn’t help but laugh at that. He puts his hand on your shoulder and rubs it up and down a few times. “Next time, I’ll force him to come back. Don’t you worry.”

♡ He's an absolute menace when it comes to doing chores around the house. You and Soap insist that you want to help but he shuts you both down every time simply because he just likes cleaning and organizing and everything in between.

♡ Gaz is the type to stay on his military schedule even off-base, so he’s often awake before both you and Soap. He definitely takes advantage of it, too; you get up and ready for work and he’ll already have all your things together and a quick, healthy breakfast to take with you. All the while, he’s sitting on the couch invested in the little show he’s been meaning to catch up on, as though he hadn’t done anything at all.

♡ Even before moving in with Gaz, you would swear he had some kind of sixth sense for knowing when you or Soap weren’t feeling great. The both of you could think that you were hiding it decently well but Gaz would be there to prove you wrong 99% of the time, the other 1% being when he wasn’t around at all. He’ll always be doing the little things to make sure you know he’s there for you, and you would be lying if you said it didn’t work.

The first thing you notice when you get into your bedroom is the mass of folded laundry on your bed, the laundry that you had been planning on taking care of for a few days now but never got around to. Your various life obligations had been getting tiresome, so you were coming home exhausted every day and immediately going to bed after Kyle and Johnny basically forced you to get some food in your system.

The second thing you notice is your thermos sitting neatly on your desk with a post-it note attached to the lid. You look at it, confused, and pick it up with a tilt of your head. You smile gleefully when you read, in Kyle’s handwriting, ‘Made your favorite, drink up!’ with a little smiley face and a heart next to the words.

With a happy sigh, you open it up and take a sip of your favorite warm drink, perfectly made just to your liking. A couple knocks on your door snap you back to reality. “Come in!” You call, you smile widening when Kyle’s face greets you on the other side. You meet him halfway and he gives you a short but sweet side hug, his head resting on top of yours.

“How was work, love?” He pulls away to get a good look at you. You look a bit disheveled to be frank, but at least your smile was reaching your eyes, a wonderful sight to be sure. You give him a non-committal hum, and he nods, taking hold of your wrist. “C’mon, let’s get food. We’re ordering out tonight, what do you want to get?” You let him pull you to the living room and he lets you rattle off the food you were looking forward to.


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May 24, 2022

rory keaner ; dating you headcanons

genre : fluff

pairing : rory keaner x human! gender neutral reader

disclaimer : mentions of violence, mentions of masturbation, stalker behavior

author note's : self indulgent work that i wrote because i was literally listening to my quarantine playlist while playing roblox yesterday. and then the opening started playing and i remembered my rory obsession. 😭💟

⋆ even after dating you, every time you encounter the blonde, he'll literally greet you like "how are you beautiful hot gorgeous sexy babe?" in which that'll spark a small laugh on your part. he still says such things to you ever since you both got into a relationship, but more loving nicknames such as "sweetheart, sweetie, love, honey". rory is a sucker for old fashioned nicknames so if you ever addressed him back like that, he will melt for you.

⋆ rory isn't really keen on calling you "significant other" or "lover", he prefers the term "boyfriend" or "girlfriend". however, if you prefer the terms "significant other" or "lover", he'll still love you the same and address you as so.

⋆ if you ever flirted with him first or send him a flirty remark, he'll be silent for a long period of time processing your words. since he's normally the one to be flirting first, seeing you (or anyone really) take the initiative is a shocker and pretty f*cking sexy to him. if your flirty remarks become a daily thing between you two, his comebacks will naturually come with ease.

⋆ when introducing you to his friends, he'll be loud with it. and when i mean loud, i mean EXTREMELY. he's pratically annoucing it to everyone and their grandma. but really, when he introduced you to ethan and benny, the entire hallway echoed due to his loud outburst ("everyone, meet my [whatever you like being called by]!"). at least now it's easier to annouce to the entire school you're both dating now.

⋆ rory acts like the stereotypical "gentleman". he'll be opening and closing the door for you and treat you as if you were the most precious glass that's daring to break. totally the type to pay the entire bill, he'll even refuse for you to pay half. you're his princess and he's going to treat you as one.

⋆ since you're "popular" and literally drop dead gorgeous, you occasionally get affectionate confessions weekly. even before dating rory. rory does get bothered by this, but not like "i'll forget about it i'm just slightly annoyed" but as in a "i'll literally rip 'whoever has the audacity to confess to you' heads off". you'll be having to calm him down by stroking you entire hand on his chest and softly whispering him words of affirmation. his legs will become jelly and each passing word that goes through his ears will be literal honey to him.

⋆ however, he does get a major ego boost whenever you reject someone (really, just a simple "no, i'm dating rory"). just (over)hearing you tell people off for confessing to you and affirming your relationship status with him, he should be considered the happiest man in the entire world at that point.

⋆ this man is SO TOUCH STARVED. he's those types of mfs that'll literally be eating you out (no, not really) in the f*cking during passing period and would give 0 f*cks. he'd sling his hands around your shoulder at every given moment. and to be honest, he feels sorta cool doing that.

⋆ he's so affectionate with every touch to you, you can pratically feel the neediness radiating at his every touch. but despite him being touch starved, he will be far too shy to initiate holding hands. arm? no problem. shoulders? easy, of course. but your hand? oh hell no. he doesn't have anything against holding hands, but just imagining holding hands with you will cause him a flustered mess (the roarinator being flustered? shocking i know). hell, even you teasingly grazing your hand on his and he'll end him up as a puddle of slime.

⋆ so if you ever want to hold his hand, you're going to be the one intiating it. make sure to firmly to wrap your fingers around his if you want to cause extra damage because i assure you, even if your hand is in an awkward position while holding his, his thoughts would not even be near how weird your position is. his head'l be racing with thoughts like "oh my god oh my god they're holding my hand is my hand cold or warm is it soft oh my god what if it feels like slime ew that's gross what if they break up with me because of how my hands feel like".

⋆ if he's not near you, his mind'll wander mindlessly to you and he'll be forming the most goofiest smile on his face. if you're in front of him ranting about anything such as your day or some random person that's annoying you in class, rory will literally just absently admire your face. his eyes will be looking at every feature and inch on your face until you redirect his attention to the conversation. he'd flash you his signature smile in which you'll be wondering if there's something on your face.

⋆ if his attention is directed to anything but you (which is extremely rare), like his attention is on a movie you both are watching, give him a kiss anywhere. his forehead, nose, cheek, even a small peck on his lips will leave him in shock and his attention will be back on you.

⋆ this man loves hickeys, he loves having yoy mark him in every possible part of his body. if you're shorter than him, he loves looking down and watching the sight unfold him as you suck his chest. he loves anywhere you mark him but preferably, he wants it to be in the most noticeable part to let everyone know you're his.

⋆ if he's the one marking you, god, expect centuries and centuries of sucking. he'll even tease you, allowing his tongue lick your skin and even teasing your skin more by licking strips of saliva agonizingly slow. he'll be careful not to accidentally bite you but if he's in the mood to tease you more, he'll have his fangs slightly graze your skin. not too hard as too break your skin but just in a way to rile you up more.

⋆ rory is actually a very good kisser, you'd assume he's heavily experienced but really, all of the credits go to his fantasies even after meeting you. he easily understood and grasp the concepts of kissing but of course, not that i'm saying he also didn't have fantasies of eating you ever since he met you. he pratically jacked himself off every day after school.

⋆ hence, make out sessions with rory is literal heaven. most of your sessions are in enclosed spaces or in any place for quickies. if you both aren't doing quickies however, rory'd drag it on hours and hours on end. it's barely impossible to stop this man once he's started something. after when you pull out (because this man never pulls out like at all), he'll literally be speechless and in a mindless state that's like "woah.. so that just happened.." and then'll have plenty more minutes to process what happened. he'll be slumping his back in shock, you'd be wondering what possessed him since a minute ago he was hungrily kissing you and making you emit every noise he could possibly get from you. even noises that you thought you could never make.

⋆ with his clinginess comes with wanting to spend every living second with you. his love language is pda but it's also heavily on quality time. this man would stick on you like glue, it's basically impossible to shake him off. since getting disincluded is a natural occurrence to him, he regularly just invites himself but now, having you, his mind is just filled with thoughts of you. he wants you to want want him as badly as he wants you.

⋆ however, if you do want to have your own quality time, rory'll respect your wishes, plant a loving kiss on your forehead, pat you on the head, and then bidding farewell. that doesn't mean he won't still be in the shadows watching you and literally being your invisible bodyguard that you don't even know you have.

⋆ overall, dating rory will be full of loving touches and unconditional commitment. you won't ever have to worry of him leaving you ever. he sees you in his future and his everything.

#my babysitter's a vampire#mbav#mbav headcanons#my babysitter's a vampire headcanon#my babysitter's a vampire x reader#rory keaner x reader#rory keaner x headcanon#rory keaner x reader headcanons#rory keaner headcanons#fluff#fluff headcanons#headcanon#headcanons#my babysitter's a vampire headcanons#rory keaner


Mar 27, 2023

#HOW THEY CUDDLE YOU ⸻ Jujutsu Kaisen (2)

#SYNOPSIS︙Just some headcanons of how they cuddle you!

PAIRING︙Maki Z'enin x Reader + YUUTA Okkotsu x reader

GENRE︙fluff, headcanons


AUTHORS NOTE︙Maki was very self indulgent🥺


◈ MAKI ◈

She definitely makes you think you're forcing her to hold you at first. She always has her own ways of making you feel small. But if you know her well, you know that's her way of trying to protect herself.

She's very mopey and miserable about it, laying there like a starfish while you happily lie on top of her and enjoy her warmth.

But that doesn't mean she doesn't enjoy it. As time goes on, she definitely starts to enjoy your affection and will definitely return the favor to you.

It does take time however. Maki loves you dealt but her conveying those feeling are hard, as she isn't used to affection or any sort of positive touchwa towards her. She is so used to people looking down on her so it takes a lot of work on your part to show her how much she means to you.

Make her feel like she is in charge, be the small spoon! When she is the big spoon, it makes Maki feel like she can protect you, it makes her feel strong.

She loves to play with your hair and watch you sleep, she thinks it's adorable. She will smile to herself wondering how she got so lucky.

Maybe on bad days, Maki makes herself vulnerable for you, making you be the big spoon. She will have her eyes shut, enjoying when you caress her back, or play with her hair. She appreciates it a lot and will definitely fall asleep!

10000000/10. She is the best cuddle buddy to have when she warms up to you.


A baby! The sweetest and softest boy. Aside from Rika being batsh*t crazily protective over though.

He is suuuuuper shy at first. The first time you two 'cuddled' was when you were watching a movie with him and you fell asleep halfway through it. You slumped over onto his shoulder, and the poor boy was blushing and so tense.

He refused to move a muscle the entire time, until you unconsciously moved closer to him and snuggled up to him. It made him even more flustered.

But he relaxed, embracing you and gently caressing your back as he held you. He cherished that so much.

But upon waking up, he was apologizing to you nonstop, thinking maybe he did something wrong by holding you. The poor guy was a nervous wreck.

You smiled at him, laying your head back onto his chest and once more enjoying his embrace, but consciously this time.

Yuuta was so shy, but so giddy on the inside as he held you. He loved you more than words could describe, and moments like that are always his favorite.

10/10. He is so hungry for affection, although if flusters him, he will never turn it down.

TAGS: @tokyometronetwork @benkeibear @httpghostface @wildartist @midnightshade @rindousfavoritewife @azxremoon @simp-lauren

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Jun 29, 2023


Pink Goes Good With Green


Author's Note: Malleus would love the musical Wicked and you will never make me think otherwise, I'm totally doing this because I am ready to make the idea I've had for a while reality and not because I got stuck on a part in book 6 and don't feel like making my cards better, anyways here's a semi self indulgent fic with our favorite cucumber boy

Description: Malleus with a very effeminate reader, GENDER NEUTRAL, fluff, there are mentions of skirts and makeup although it's still kept neutral, headcanons. Minor spoilers for a few of his vignettes, nothing outright. This is long



-He loves it

-The end


-He does love it though

-He really likes when you ask him to put an outfit together for you, or when you're thinking of what to buy and ask him to say what he thinks

-He isn't a good helper when it comes to what you should get because no matter what you put on he says you look gorgeous/handsome/pretty in it

-Dates start early because he wants to be with you while you get ready, he finds it very charming watching you dress up

-Brushing your hair? Brushing your hair.

-If you brush his he would start buffering before realizing what's happening

-Most people don't want to go near him and yet here you are almost touching his horns

-If you wear any makeup he would let you practice on him, or do his. There's no way he doesn't wear some, even if he's fae, it's impossible to have smokey eyes like that with a perfect crease and eyeliner naturally

-No way.


-He'll buy you a lot the products you use, he gave you an entire bag of the lotion you like and asked which you would like to have a bag of next, you had to explain that some of the stuff you use has an expiration date. Luckily the lotion wasn't one of them.

-He's still buying you things and tries to make it a suprise, it's very hard to be suprised when just a few nights ago he was leaning on your vanity holding a near empty tube of your favorite lip gloss and asked if you use it all withing x amount of weeks

-No not because that's how long it says it lasts after opening, he's just curious

-He's trying his best okay

-He's very suave with other gifts and displays of affection

-For example, he gave you some rose seeds to grow at Ramshackle, along with them came a full handwritten letter.

These reminded me of you. The soft pink, the dreamy glow they have in the morning, plant these and maybe you can see just how I see you.

-He's a romantic

-When the flowers finally blossom, he'll take them over to his dorm and put them in a pink vase so he can have a part of you with him there at all times (Bonus points, maybe you made the vase? or just painted it) He'll try wearing them too, but he doesn't want to damage them.

-He'll try sewing for you. Skirts are what he's best at because it's just two panels, he tried making a dress but it ended up looking like it was made for a toddler who's rough on their clothing.

-He's trying

-He loves cuddling as well, but his horns can get in the way sometimes

-Like when he tried get up and the same time you did and accidentally got pushed into the headboard, where he may have gotten stuck.....

-For two hours

-We don't talk about that, your ears are still ringing from Sebek in all his Sebekness, yelling at you and crying because what are we going to do if the headboard won't fit in a coffin or something like that

-If you're cuddling and you fall asleep he will stay up and make sure not to move. He doesn't want you to wake up, he wants to make sure you have a good nap. And that Sebek doesn't try punching your things from anger again

-If you hang out with Vil or others at Pomefiore, he'll go with you sometimes. Vil and Rook don't care much, although Vil is a bit wary, still testing out the waters. Rook however is absolutely fine, asking all sorts of stuff. You don't know whether to ask Rook to stop asking such questions or to tell Malleus not to toy with him.

-Epel was gobsmacked when he learned that such a dark and brooding force actually can like 'girly' stuff, and someone who's basically only that. He has read about it and you've told him about other people you've dated, but he never thought he'd see it for real. It does help him quite a bit.

-Look at you and Malleus being role models for someone who really needs it <3

-The others

-General crew, made from Ace, Deuce, and Jack

-They were shocked, then big brother instinct came in. There's not much they could do, it's Malleus, they still try and act like it.

-Jack is probably the most level headed, followed by Deuce, then Ace.

-Let's be honest with ourselves, Ace is a bit old fashioned. He knows that you can handle yourself, but he can't help but feel a little extra protective of you because not only are you magicless but you also dress so cutesy

-He doesn't mean to be rude but he can't explain it any other way, he's probably the one to warm up fastest to Malleus, funnily enough. Talking about how he was able to get so good at magic, what kind of exercises he does, etc

-Jack knows that you're mostly fine on your own but makes it very clear that if you need him to step in and help with anything, he'll do whatever he can. Deuce is similar, although he makes sure you know there's a lot he can't do as well.

-Once they trust him and know he's kind to you, all of them feel very safe, knowing that he's probably the best person you have to protect you.

-Take pictures together and he'll put them up on his wall, some are in little frames and he has one of just you in his wallet. Cater hates you for it

-Sorry this was so long but I started thinking and couldn't stop, there's a lot more but it's probably more general and not for this specific one. However I might do a part two depeding on if I get any more ideas. Feel free to make some requests for specifics on some of these if you want more on them!


Thanks For Reading!


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Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

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Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.