11, 1944 Sunday Gerald- Leader Page 23 June MRS. EFFLO KING is to be installed as president of the Lexington peretela Club at services to Tuesday night. Woodford Men Pass Induction Tests VERSAILLES, June 10 (Special) -Mrs. Dennie Hartley, secretary of the Woodford county draft board, today announced the names of the men who left here Tuesday for Louisville to take their pre-induction examinations, who passed for service in the Army or Navy, and are now at home waiting for orders to report for duty. Those accepted service in the Army included: Mason, Lexington: Midway; William James Pitman, Searcy Rotte.
3, Georgetown; Charles Albert Wiley, Route 3. Nicholasville; Woodford Roark, Route 5: Hugh Randel Catron, Lombard, Ernest Ray Rigney, Route Lexington; Pete Giles Route Richard Linzey Wiley Muckegan, Norman Shirley Caudle, Route 1, Frankfort; James Taylor Vickers, Midway, and Paul Allen Montgomery, Georgetown. Those accepted for service in the Navy Route Carl William King, Granville Smith Clark, Route Peter Broockmann, Montgomery avenue; William Calvin Powell, Route Norman Grey Sutherland, Amsden avenue; Reynolds Benson, Route Richard Dale Howard, Route 1, and Lewis B. Sharp, Route 4. George Washington in the Navy and upon own Route accepted coMe service request inducted on June 7, Mrs.
Hartley said. In Woodford fiscal court, which was held here this morning it was ordered that the following claims for livestock killed be allowed and certified to the sheriff for payment of the livestock fund: Field McLeod, $27; Mrs. Annie Berryman and A. B. Buffin, W.
H. Baker and Guy Currens, Hartland Farm Mrs. Bess Lewis and Oscar Montgomey, $30; Fidelity and Columbia Trust Company and Claude Wash, W. H. Graddy and Charles L.
Lloyd, $76; Hartland Farm, $56; Mrs. Annie H. Berryman and A. B. Buffins, $16; Boston, $65; C.
P. Wilson, siohn and Mrs. Charlton Alexander, $6. Blood Donors Forty blood donors are wanted at Midway to go to Lexington June 26 to donate blood at the mobile unit there, it was announced today by Miss Lucy Bethel Holt, chairman of the blood bank donor service Midway. Persons in Midway willing to donate their blood are asked to sign up immediately with Miss Holt and transportation will be furnished.
Wed In California Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Mohlmann, Santa Ana, announced the marriage of their daughter, Dorothy Clara, to Sgt.
William Sinclair Glass, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glass, of Versailles. The marriage was solemnized May 5 at the Presbyterian parsonage in Santa Ana. Sergeant Glass, a member of the Marine Corps, is stationed at Camp El Toro, Santa Ana; and has been in the service since August, 1942.
He is a gradthe Versailles high school, attended Georgetown college, and Aherns night trade school in Louisville. At the time of his induction he was employed by the Deering Printing Company at Louisville. Woodford Notes A marriage license was issued here today to Dudley R. Kelly, farmer, Route 1, Lexington and Miss Mary Lucille Petro, Lexington. The General Marquis Calmes CHARLES MICHLER Landscape and Horticulture Richmond Road Pre-laundered designs.
make your chapter of the Woodford county D. A. R. will close its 1943-44 program with a meeting at 3 in. ford Blackburn, the incoming reTuesday at the home of Mrs.
Algent. Evan McCord, Versailles lawyer, will speak on "Our Flag" in commemoration of National Flag Day. Mrs. Blackburn will preside at the meeting and a social hour will follow. The Woodford, county chapter, American Mothers, will meet at 2:30 p.
m. Monday in the Knights of Pythias hall. Mrs. Moran of Louisville, state president, will be the guest speaker. Roberts, Versailles postmaster, today announced that the July issue of the motor vehicle tax stamp is now on sale at the postoffice.
Much Confusion MRS. ERLE M. HAYS was Miss Norma Marie Eckert before her marriage yesterday. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Walter J. Eckert of Pittsburgh, Pa. MURPHYSBORO, Ill (UP)Turnabout was fair play when Fred Cheatham, Carbondale minnow merchant, had District Conservation Chief Leonard Murphysvoro and two conservation agents arrested for disturbing his peace when they arrested him on a charge of seinging without a license. Reduce Sunday Fares LYNN, Mass. (UP) -Pious officials of the Eastern Massachusetts Street Railway Company have reduced bus fares within the city limits to five cents on Sunday up to 1 p.
as their contribution to the pray-for-peace movement. "Wilendur" HAND PRINTED BREAKFAST AND TABLE CLOTHS interesting floral these cloths will more enticing. 54x54 size cloth 1.98 54x72 size cloth 2.98 15x15 napkins 18-in. Wildendur Printed TOWELING yd. 39c MAIN FLOOR RIGHT REAR Ornamental Service Phone 5434 for There are flowers.
meadow bloom. wild flowers and One of meal more appetizing as well as MOST EVERY DAY WE ARE SHOWING NEW Wall Papers It pays to shop there are It is quite possible want today, even terday. STRIPES. PLAIN PAPERS A LARGE TERNS suitable way WE HAVE A our Wall Paper Department often constantly new patterns being added. that we have just what you though we did not have it yes- FLORALS.
TWO-TONE AND per roll SELECTION OF BEAUTIFUL PATfor most any room or hallper roll GRAND SELECTION OF OTHER low as per roll Department--Third Floor Wall Paper A Lurcella Court Approves Will Agreement Appoval was given yesterday by Fayette Circuit Court to a compromise agreement designed to terminate litigation over the will of John B. Gorham, wealthy Fayettecounty farmer. Under the agreement, the terms of Mr. Gorham's will will stand as to a bequest to the Mt. Horeb Presbyterian church.
The church, which was to receive the income from a 70-acre farm, yesterday filed a deed in the office of Clerk S. Higgins Lewis disclaiming its interest in the farm. The farm will be sold to permit payment of the first $15,000 of the sale price and half the amount received in excess of $15,000 to Eugene Gorham and blood heirs of John B. Gorham. The church will the remaining half of the proceeds that exceed $15,000.
The chi ch, which also was bequeathed one-half interest in a 135- acre tract owned by Mr. Gorham; the Kentucky School for the Blind and the Kentucky Home for Convalescent Crippled Children, recipients of one-fourth interests each in the same farm, and John Wesley Marr, Elizabeth Clark Wood Mahoney and other heirs under the will of Mr. Gorham agreed to reimburse the church pro rata for the $15,000 to be paid to the blood heirs. blood heirs, who received no part of the estate under the will, filed suit Sept. 13 in an effort to nullify bequest of the Gorham estate to the church and charitable institutions and to the relatives of Mr.
Gorham's deceased wife. Versatile Fire Chief ST. JOSEPH, Mo. you hold the job of fire chief in this day and age, you can't tell what you are liable to be called upon to do-at least, that seems to be the way with Fire Chief Leo J. Urbanski of St.
Joseph. Recently he was called by the Missouri Pacific Railroad here to offer advice about washing away a soft drink syrup packed in three of the railway cars so that the good barrels could be salvaged. Father Follows Sons TEXARKANA, Texas (UP)-W. B. Ely, 47, had two sons--both staff sergeants--in the Army Air Farce.
thir son, John, 17, enlisted in the Navy recently, Ely could stand it no longer. He enlisted in the Navy, too. Leaves Estate To College And Home HARRODSBURG, June 10 (Special) -Kentucky Wesleyan College, Winchester, and the Widows and Orphans Home, Versailles, are equal beneficiaries of the residue of the estate of the late Mrs. Addie Dean. The will, probated in the Mercer county court, names C.
E. Rankin, executor. The document is dated July 17, 1939. The testator sets aside $100 with the State Bank and Trust Company for the upkeep of her lot in Spring Hill cemetery; $200 to Joseph's Chapel in Mercer county; $200 each to eight relatives and friends. Household goods, clothes and jewelry are left to two friends.
William A. Armstrong's will gives the residence in Harrodsburg to his wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Edward Sharp, during her life, and at her death pass in fee simple to their daughter, Miss Annie Sharp, who is also left $500 in cash. The rest of the property is bequeathed equally to his other two sons and three daughters. Return From Camp High school girls who returned today from a week's camping on Lake Herrington are Eleano and Betty Patterson, Helen Coleman, Reva Wells, Pud Smith, Mary Mitchell Wooldridge and Isabelle Christie.
Miss Elizabeth Van Arsdall and Anita Waters were chaperones. Soldier Declared Dead D. B. Hungate has received notice from the War Department SPECIALS FOR MONDAY and TUESDAY MEN'S COMPOSITION HALF SOLES $100 LADIES' LEATHER SOLES $1 HEEL LIFTS CHILDREN'S LEs Composition or Leather WHILE SERVICE, YOU IF WAIT DESIRED OR SHOP PENNEYS Lt. H.
Joseph Houlihan Lieutenant Houlihan Is Missing In Action Mrs. E. T. Houlihan of the Paris pike yesterday was notified by the War Department that her son, 2nd Lt. H.
Joseph Houlihan, navigator on a B-17 bomber, had been missing in action over Germany since May 28. Lieutenant Houlihan has been in the Army since September, 1942, and compleetd his aerial training at Hondo, Texas early this year. He was transferred to England early in April after two months in Florida. Shadows Magi Blah COOL AND FASHIONABLE BLACK SHEER DRESSES Beautiful new creations--smartly trimmed with tucks, lace and braid One and two-piece styles Sizes 12 to 40. 1995 to 3995 FASHION CENTER, SECOND FLOOR UNDER YOUR BLACK MAGIC YOU MUST BE NARROWED DOWN Wartime dress regulations are straight and narrow no fullness allowed to hide spreading hips.
GOSSARD'S hip-snugging, front-lacing corset will whittle away those unwanted bulges. The LONGERLYNE up-lift supports the bosom and extends to the waist for unbroken symetry. Corset 10.00 Longerlyne 2.50 that his nephew, Pfc. Wesley D. Hungate, 28, son of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Stallard Hungate, in action since the fall of Corregidor, had been declared legally dead. The date of his death was set as May 8, 1944, for the purpose of settling his affairs. He was a member of the Harrodsburg National Guard unit. He is survived by three brothers, Charles Hungate, Dayton, Ohio; William Hungate, Junction City, Marshall Hungate, Salviso, Mercer county; Mrs.
Gordon Lakes, Lexington; Miss Martha Hungate, Lexington, and Miss Juanita Hungate, Louisville. EYES EXAMINED. GLASSES FITTED Evening Appointments DR. H. H.
FINE OPTOMETRIST 124 NORTH LIME PHONE 2761 LEXINGTON. KY Beautiful Shoes WHITE vamp Off to the seven seas of Summer fashion go these white suede Nisley Marauders with their sails trimmed for coolness and their decks cleared for beauty exposure. Open shanks, open toes, port hole punchings and high heels $4.95 116 WEST MAIN STREET WE CLOSE AT 1 P. M. EACH WEDNESDAY DURING SUMMER MONTHS.