At 1.24am on April 26th, 1986, a power surge in reactor four of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Pripyat, Ukraine, led to a series of massive explosions. The force of the blasts blew the reinforced steel and concrete lid off the reactor and exposed its deadly atomic energy contents to the world.
A vast radioactive cloud from the Chernobyl disaster site was released into the atmosphere and blew across north and western Europe, even reaching as far as the United States. The accident remains the world's worst-ever nuclear plant disaster, and unlike the earthquake-induced meltdown at Fukushima in Japan, Chernobyl was caused by human error.
The deadly blast killed between 34 and 51 people that night, either from the original explosion or acute radiation syndrome (ARS). However, the long term effects are far more insidious, with estimates ranging between 4,000 and 734,000 lives lost as a result of radiation exposure from the power plant. Efforts are still ongoing to contain the site, with the original concrete 'sarcophagus' built over the exposed reactor beginning to deteriorate, meaning a new solution will have to be found.
The event is firmly back in public consciousness with the release of HBO's critically acclaimed mini-series Chernobyl, which gives a dramatized but fairly accurate interpretation of the explosion and its aftermath. In this list, we did a side by side comparison of the show's cast and their real-life counterparts, and as you can see, they really did a great job! Scroll down to check the then and now pictures for yourself, and let us know what you think in the comments.
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Jared Harris As Valery Legasov, Scientist
Valery Legasov was the deputy director of the Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, and was part of the team responsible for investigating the accident at Chernobyl. While those above him tried to cover up the cause and extent of the disaster, Legasov tried to remain open and honest about what really happened. This took a toll on him professionally and emotionally, and the day before the results of the investigation were to be announced, Legasov took his own life.
Eight years after his death, Legasov was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation by Russian President Boris Yeltsin, in recognition of his courageous efforts to tell the truth about Chernobyl.
HBO Report
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Rob Chapman Rob Chapman Community Member Follow
Jared deserves an Emmy for his performance.
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Jessie Buckley As Lyudmila Ignatenko, Vasily's Wife
Lyudmila, wife of the firefighter Vasily Ignatenko, faced a heartbreaking two weeks watching her husband die in agony. She was pregnant at the time and ignored the hospital's orders to stay away from her beloved, so when she gave birth some months later the baby died soon after birth, being diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver and congenital heart disease.
It is believed that Lyudmila still lives in Ukraine.
HBO Report
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inkstain inkstain Community Member Follow
friendly reminder that once vasily ignatenko removed his contaminated clothing, and washed off the radioactive dust off of his skin, he was not radioactive.Conclusion : Lyudmilla never exposed herself or her baby to radiation, it's portrayed that way in hbo chernobyl because that's what they believed at the time
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Stellan Skarsgard As Boris Shcherbina, Deputy Prime Minister
In 1976, Shcherbina became a member of theCentral Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Unionand kept the position until his death.
In 1984, he became vice-chairman of the Council of Ministers and as such was in charge of dealing with theChernobyl disaster outcome in 1986, acting as crisis management supervisor.
In 1990, he opposed election ofBoris Yeltsininto chairmanship of the Supreme Soviet of theRSFSR, describing him as "a man of low moral qualities", whose election would "pave the way for the darkest period in our country's history." (Was he wrong?)However, Yeltsin was elected and later became the first President of independent Russia.
Shcherbina died inMoscowin 1990, aged 70
Source: Wikipedia
HBO Report
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Pamela24 Pamela24 Community Member Follow
My god, I didn't recognize him at all! I just watched two episodes, I knew he was going to be there and in an important role and I was looking for him but... Wow.
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Adam Nagaitis As Vasily Ignatenko, A Pripyat Firefighter
Vasily Ignatenko, husband of Lyudmila, was one of the many firefighters that were first on the scene of the roof fire, unaware of the true extent of the situation. Coming face to face with the exposed reactor, Vasily and many of his colleagues would soon succumb to the symptoms of extreme radiation sickness, and he died in hospital 2 weeks later.
Lyudmila spoke to Belarusian journalist Svetlana Alexievich about the tragic circumstances of Vasily's death.
"He started to change; every day I met a brand-new person," she said. "The burns started to come to the surface. In his mouth, on his tongue, his cheeks - at first there were little lesions, and then they grew. It came off in layers - as white film ... the colour of his face ... his body ... blue, red , grey-brown. And it's all so very mine!"
"The only thing that saved me was it happened so fast; there wasn't any time to think, there wasn't any time to cry. It was a hospital for people with serious radiation poisoning. Fourteen days. In 14 days a person dies."
"He was producing stools 25 to 30 times a day, with blood and mucous. His skin started cracking on his arms and legs. He became covered with boils. When he turned his head, there'd be a clump of hair left on the pillow. I tried joking: "It's convenient, you don't need a comb." Soon they cut all their hair."
"I tell the nurse: "He's dying." And she says to me: "What did you expect? He got 1,600 roentgen. Four hundred is a lethal dose. You're sitting next to a nuclear reactor."
HBO Report
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Donald Holder Donald Holder Community Member Follow
As an x-ray Technician I can't even fully grasp that amount of radiation. You would need max radiation output of a medical x-ray machine 25 times a day for 15 yrs to get just the 400 that's lethal kind of exposure!
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Sam Troughton As Aleksandr Akimov, Shift Supervisor Of The Night Crew
Akimov was the shift supervisor on the night of the disaster. When he first received news that something was wrong, Akimov didn’t believe it. He even relayed false information to his superiors for several hours — a terrible mistake that he made up for later that night.
When he finally realized the gravity of the situation, he stayed behind to do everything he could to mitigate it. Akimov was the one who declared an emergency as soon as the reactor was shut down, though by then the damage had already been done. The reactor had exploded and was exposed, leaking extremely high levels of radiation.
Rather than evacuate, Akimov stayed behind. He had his crew turn on the emergency feedwater pumps to flood the reactor, but the power source was no longer active. Along with several of his fellow engineers, Akimov stayed in the poisonous air in the reactor building, manually pumping emergency feedwater into the reactor without any protective gear.
Akimov died two weeks later due to ARS.
Source: All That's Interesting
HBO Report
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Ken McLaine Ken McLaine Community Member Follow
And for an extra point Ed Kemper from Mindhunters
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TheChernobyl liquidatorswere the civil and military personnel who were called upon to deal with consequences of the disasteron site. The liquidators are widely credited with limiting both the immediate and long-term damage from the disaster.
Surviving liquidators are qualified for significant social benefits due to theirveteranstatus. Many liquidators were praised as heroes by the Soviet government and the press, while some struggled for years to have their participation officially recognized.
Source: Wikipedia
HBO Report
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boredhuman boredhuman Community Member Follow
This was the most emotional and impactful scene of the series. You know it happened but seen it in moving picture is just very impressive. Heroes.
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Con O’neill As Viktor Bryukhanov, Plant Director
Bryukhanov, the plant manager, arrived at 2:30a.m. Akimov reported a serious radiation accident but an intact reactor, fires in the process of being extinguished, and a second emergency water pump being readied to cool the reactor. Due to limitations of available instruments, they seriously underestimated the radiation level. At 3a.m., Bryukhanov called Maryin, the deputy secretary for thenuclear powerindustry, reporting Akimov's version of the situation.
Maryin sent the message further up the chain of command, to Frolyshev, who then calledVladimir Dolgikh, who calledGorbachevand other members of thePolitburo. At 4a.m., Moscow ordered feeding of water to the reactor. As Director of the Chernobyl site, Bryukhanov was imprisoned for ten years but only served five years of the sentence due to illness.
Source: Wikipedia
HBO Report
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Joonas Hirvonen Joonas Hirvonen Community Member Follow
Ian McShane would have been great - nothing wrong with him either.
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Paul Ritter As Anatoly Dyatlov, Supervisor
Anatoly Dyatlov was the deputy chiefengineer who supervised the test that lead to the explosion. At the moment the reactor power slipped to 30MW, he insisted the operators continue the test. He overrode Akimov's and Toptunov's objections, threatening to hand the shift to Tregub (the previous shift operator who had remained on-site), intimidating them into attempting to increase the reactor power.
After the explosion, despite seeing the fuel and graphite scattered around, he still believed the reactor was intact. At 5a.m., he got sick and together with Gorbachenko went to the medical unit.
After the disaster, Dyatlov was sentenced to 10 years in prison for his role in the explosion but he was released after serving 5. In 1995, he passed away from heart failure.
Source: Wikipedia
HBO Report
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R L R L Community Member Follow
10 years, even in a labour camp, seems like a drop in the ocean compared to the number of lives impacted by this disaster.
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David Dencik As Mikhail Gorbachev
Mikhail Gorbachev, who is played by David Dencik in the series, was the eighth and final leader of the Soviet Union.
Gorbachev faced worldwide condemnation for failing to issue an immediate statement about the disaster, it wasn't until 18 days later that he finally told the rest of the world exactly what had occurred at Chernobyl.
Widely considered one of the most significant figures of the second half of the 20th century, Gorbachev remains the subject of controversy. The recipient of a wide range of awards—including theNobel Peace Prize—he was widely praised for his pivotal role in ending the Cold War, curtailing human rights abuses in the Soviet Union, and tolerating both the fall of Marxist–Leninist administrations in eastern and central Europe and thereunification of Germany. Conversely, in Russia he is often derided for not stopping the Soviet collapse, an event which brought a decline in Russia's global influence and precipitated an economic crisis.
Today, 88-year-old Gorbachev still operates in Russia's political circles.
Source: Wikipedia
HBO Report
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Tor Rolf Strøm Tor Rolf Strøm Community Member Follow
What the hell! This is the lawyer from Quicksand!? I thought there was something familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it. MIND BLOWN!!!
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Ralph Ineson As General Nikolai Tarakanov, Commander Of The Chernobyl Liquidators
The commander of the Chernobyl liquidators, Tarakanov gave inspirational and motivational speeches to more than 3,000 liquidators who had risk it all to clear the roof.
HBO Report
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Id row Id row Community Member Follow
I wonder what Russia thinks of this series.
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Adrian Rawlins As Nikolai Fomin, Chief Engineer
Chief engineer Fomin arrived in the block4 control room at 4:30a.m. Akimov reported an intact reactor and explosion of the emergency water feed tank. Fomin kept pressing the staff to feed water to the reactor and transferred more people to unit4 to replace those being disabled by radiation.
After Dyatlov left, Fomin ordered Sitnikov, his replacement, to climb to the roof of unitC and survey the reactor; Sitnikov obeyed and received a fatal radiation dose there; at 10a.m., he returned and reported to Fomin and Bryukhanov that the reactor was destroyed. The managers refused to believe him and ordered continued feeding of water into the reactor; the water, however, flowed through the severed pipes into the lower levels of the plant, carrying radioactive debris and causing short circuits in the cableways common to all four blocks.
Later, before trial he had amental breakdownand tried to kill himself. Fomin had broken his glasses and slit his wrists with the shards. The trial was delayed because of Fomin's mental breakdown, but he, along with Viktor Bryukhanov and Anatoly Dyatlov were sentenced to 10 years in a labour camp. Like the others, he didn't serve a full sentence due to health reasons and it is unclear what happened to him after his release.
Source: Wikipedia
HBO Report
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Tony Moon Tony Moon Community Member Follow
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The Trial
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Alex K Alex K Community Member Follow
aw why did they switch the seating? it would be perfect
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Michael Colgan As Mikhail Shchadov, Coal Minister
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Cody Eriksen Cody Eriksen Community Member Follow
This scene....
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Mindaugas Balčiauskas
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I'm a visual editor at Bored Panda. I kickstart my day with a mug of coffee bigger than my head, ready to tackle Photoshop. I navigate through the digital jungle with finesse, fueled by bamboo breaks and caffeine kicks. When the workday winds down, you might catch me devouring bamboo snacks while binging on the latest TV show, gaming or I could be out in nature, soaking up the tranquility and communing with my inner panda.
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Mindaugas Balčiauskas
Author, BoredPanda staff
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I'm a visual editor at Bored Panda. I kickstart my day with a mug of coffee bigger than my head, ready to tackle Photoshop. I navigate through the digital jungle with finesse, fueled by bamboo breaks and caffeine kicks. When the workday winds down, you might catch me devouring bamboo snacks while binging on the latest TV show, gaming or I could be out in nature, soaking up the tranquility and communing with my inner panda.
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What do you think?
Miklós Nagy Miklós Nagy Community Member Follow
Everybody call this series dark and depressing, but I actually find it inspiring that even in a catastrophe like this there were many people who did their best despite they know they only get painful death as a reward for their hard work.
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Vashta Nerada Vashta Nerada Community Member Follow
Agreed. All those heroes who risked their lives and health to save millions of others who would have parished.
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Pamela24 Pamela24 Community Member Follow
It's really a brilliant TV series. One of the best ever in the world. I didn't think I was going to watch it because in general, I prefer not to watch depressing kind of things. But it's just so cinematographically brilliant that no matter the difficult subject I feel overwhelmed by the craftsmanship of all the people involved and enjoy it because of it. If this series loses in any category of any awards it gets a nomination for, I'll be highly surprised. I'm really glad that such a strong story got a proper reincarnation.
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Izzy Medina Izzy Medina Community Member Follow
This is the first time, I know what really happened in Chernobyl. I was a student in the former Leningrad and my class would have gone to Chernobyl for internship that summer. However, suddenly, the instructors gave another place for internship without any explanation. Nobody said anything and the media will not say anything either. I only found out when I left on vacation to another country. Then, the things I saw and heard started to make sense, like chickens with one leg or no wings. And, the number of patients with cancer increased markedly.It is terrible to live in a place where is no democracy.
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Igor Os Igor Os Community Member Follow
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Miklós Nagy Miklós Nagy Community Member Follow
Everybody call this series dark and depressing, but I actually find it inspiring that even in a catastrophe like this there were many people who did their best despite they know they only get painful death as a reward for their hard work.
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Vashta Nerada Vashta Nerada Community Member Follow
Agreed. All those heroes who risked their lives and health to save millions of others who would have parished.
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Pamela24 Pamela24 Community Member Follow
It's really a brilliant TV series. One of the best ever in the world. I didn't think I was going to watch it because in general, I prefer not to watch depressing kind of things. But it's just so cinematographically brilliant that no matter the difficult subject I feel overwhelmed by the craftsmanship of all the people involved and enjoy it because of it. If this series loses in any category of any awards it gets a nomination for, I'll be highly surprised. I'm really glad that such a strong story got a proper reincarnation.
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Izzy Medina Izzy Medina Community Member Follow
This is the first time, I know what really happened in Chernobyl. I was a student in the former Leningrad and my class would have gone to Chernobyl for internship that summer. However, suddenly, the instructors gave another place for internship without any explanation. Nobody said anything and the media will not say anything either. I only found out when I left on vacation to another country. Then, the things I saw and heard started to make sense, like chickens with one leg or no wings. And, the number of patients with cancer increased markedly.It is terrible to live in a place where is no democracy.
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Igor Os Igor Os Community Member Follow
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